Wednesday, April 4, 2012

My Military Family

One of the hardest things about being in the military is not living close to your family.  I am so jealous of the woman I work with who takes her grandson on the weekends so her son can sleep in.  I sit at church behind rows and rows of grandparents with their grandkids and I feel bad for mine that they do not get to see theirs all the time.  Plus, I hate being away from my sisters and their kids.  But as much as this is a drawback, it is also something that makes you have a bond with your fellow military families which are like no other friendship.

For instance, this past week when my nanny was sick and I was frantic to find help- I had no less than 3 wives offer to watch my children, one whose husband is currently in Afghanistan (like she needs the extra stress).  When a baby is born, there are always meals waiting for you.  When a spouse leaves, their are endless offers of help and support.  The list goes on and on.  Things that you would not be comfortable asking of anyone else, your military family provides.  And eventhough we do not live close to family, I have never once been to a birthday party (or thrown one myself) that was not packed with families and celebration.  

So as much as I hate being away from my immediate family, there are no words to describe how much I love my military family and how these people will always hold a special place in my (and my children's) hearts.

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