Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Little Moments

My post today was going to be all about my lack of sleep since children; however, I had the most uplifting morning so I thought I should capitalize on this positive energy I am feeling and share as we all know the lack of sleep situation is not changing anytime soon and rest assured there will be post about such sleep issues in the future.

Why was my morning so wonderful you ask?  For no particular reason it just was.  It was one of those rare mornings when everything seemed to be smiling at me- I actually slept well (refer to above re: sleep issues), my children both woke up happy, I had one of those beautiful little moments right before my babysitter got there where both kids were sitting on my lap, cuddling with me while we watched blues clues and I just thought to myself life does not get better than this; I went to file stuff at Court and everyone I encountered smiled at me- maybe it was because of my bright pink shirt and cute scarf, maybe I had something on my face, maybe my butt looks really good in these pants (I like to believe the last is true) but for whatever reason everyone seemed happy and that feeling is just contagious; the weather is gorgeous; and all in all I have everything I could ever dream of.  So for this morning I am very content.

Now have no fear new readers- I will not always be spewing rainbows like I am this morning.  But I feel as overworked mommies we need to take advantage of these little moments where we feel like things are going our way and we are doing a good job.  There are still plenty of things I need to work on- ie I did not get up to do the elliptical this morning so my butt is still way to big- but for this morning instead of feeling guilty (which is a constant in any mother's life) I am going to feel blessed that I have a husband who loves me even with my dimples (and I am not talking about the cute kind my kids have!)

So here is to hoping you all have a positive day - and if not, that you can remember back to your last little moment and that will carry you through!

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